
2021-06-25 22:58:04 字數 995 閱讀 1577


1.英語勵志小詩 believe


believe in your dreams

believe in today

believe that you are loved

believe that you make a difference

believe we can build a better world

believe when others might not

believe there's light at the end of the tunnel

believe that you may be that light

for someone else

believe that the best is yet to be

believe in yourself

i believe in you

2.i think i can我相信我可以

if you think you are beaten,you are;

if you think you dare not,you don't;

if you want to win but think you can't;

it's almost a cinch you won't.

if you think you'll lose,you're lost;

for out of world we find

success begins with a fellow's will;

it's all in a state of kind.

life's battles don't always go

to the stronger and faster,

but sooner or later man who wins

is the man who thinks he can.

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