
2022-06-09 12:40:24 字數 399 閱讀 9749


this is a notebook with a lot of chinese maxims inside. these sentences are very encouraging. everytime when i got frustrated, i opened it and read it and then i became very confident again.

since these are in chinese, so i give it to you as a memorial of our friendship. when your chinese is good enough, please read it. hope it would take you to success!


我遇過一個老外,我是用動作和他比價錢了,能來中國的一般會講兩句中文的,不用和他說英語 拿一把小刀說 hey man,e to buy something,if you don t,my white knife will be e red knife.hey,what can i do for you...


if you don t take enough exercise,you ll be out of shape.if i didn t do enough exercise will 有足夠的錢或時間去做某是怎麼用英語造句 有足夠的錢或時間去做某事 there s enough money or ...


給你講幾個辦法看看用的上不?1.打個 開頭俏皮點啦 美麗的 女士 我是你的親親男友。為了表達誠意。我決定為你點一首歌。然後說明自己最近出差忽略了她的感受。然後就是些很感人的話啦 假裝很隨意的把她約出來 然後給她一個驚喜 重點是道歉哦 要牢牢抓住女朋友的心 3.就是你的要求了 我從別的問題的回答裡找了...