
2022-09-13 17:45:20 字數 1414 閱讀 3526



i just got your message. i am riding with my friend on my way back to shanghai, and not home yet. what are you doing ?

in bed ? i shall be a little busy next few days, probably we cannot meet each other until the weekend.


just saw your message. on the way back to shanghai now. my friend's driving.

not home yet. what are you doing? in bed already?

really busy these days. can only see you this weekend.


i just got your news, i am on the back way to shanghai by my friend driving. now what are you doing? sleep?

i am going to busy at work couple days, we can't meet until weekend


i just saw your message i am now on the way back to shanghai , i was sitting in a friend 's car at the moment has not yet arrived home are you doing ? sleep? i'm a little busy these days is estimated to be the weekend we met


i just saw your message. i'm on my way back to shanghai now. i'm riding with a friend and it will take a while before we arrive.

what are you doing? still up? i'm quite busy these days, guess we can only see each other during the weekend.




1 為目的,根據外交使團和領事職位,任何外國的國家,和人有關連,足以媲美的待遇,以加拿大的外交使命和加拿大領事職位,在該外國國家,及其相關人士對此,長可借命令,恕我直言,以該國的外交使命和其任何領事的職位,和任何人連 長可借命令,授權拘留的人員,根據海關法的進口商品由一個外交使團或領事的職位,一個外...


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