
2021-05-29 18:42:04 字數 1434 閱讀 4551


hello,every one! i'm lucy,do you want to know my favorite pet?now let me tell you.

my favorite pet is mimi,she is a beautiful cat.she has two big green eyes,a **all black nose and brown hair.she likes playing the toys with me, she always likes to take a walk in sunny days.

her favorite food is fish,but she doesn't like to eat vegetables.she likes to keep herself clean,so we all like her so much.

what about you?do you like her?you may can make friends with her.



my pet it's a rabbit.it's white.it has got long ears.

it has got a short tail.it likes carrot very much.

it has a pair of red eyes.i like my rabbit.it is so cute.



i like animals very much, such as horses, monkeys, cats, tigers and so on. but i like dogs best. why?

because they are very cute and friendly.

i have a white dog. its name is bobo. she is a female dog.

she ***es from beijing, china. she has two big eyes and a **all month. she wears white clothes.

she often walks around at home. it has nothing to do. she likes eating ice-cream so much, so do i.

when i eat ice-cream, she will look at the ice-cream carefully. so i will give her some to eat.

i think bobo is the cutest dog in the world.




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