
2021-03-19 18:26:20 字數 866 閱讀 4281


my favourite fooddo you know what this is? guess! its colour is yellow.

it』s long and thin. it looks like a **all boat and crescent. oh, it is a banana.

do you know what that is? gueagain! its colour is orange.

it』s round. it looks like a **all ball and a **all lantern. oh, it is an orange.

i like then a lot. i like ice-creams. i like to chew gum.

chocolates and candies are yummy. i like them very much.

how about you? what』s your favourite food?

2.in the kitchenthis is the kitchen of my family. it』s big and nice.

look! my mother is cooking in it. this is a microwave and that is a stove.

there is a big table here. there are many things on it. what are these?

they look yummy! oh, they』re strawberries. and what are those?

they are grapes.


如果五年級作文,那就要求有完整的故事情節,能夠通過具體的事表達真情實感 五年級的作文五年級作為小學的高年級學生了寫作文的時候,一定要把事情敘述清楚,並能表達自己的思想感情。作文怎麼寫五年級 小學五年級的作文也是比較好寫的,主要是寫一些記敘文,沒有任何的議 可寫。昨晚的話,我覺得最好的方式的話,就把你...


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