
2021-07-08 21:30:10 字數 1847 閱讀 5180


2.update user set password='xyw97' where username='admin';

3.delete from user where usernmae='temp';

4.insert into user(username,password) values('newuser','newpwd');



1.select * from user where username='admin';

5.select * from uwer where usernmae='admin' and password='admin';


select * from user where username='admin';

update user set password='xyw97' where username='admin';

delete from user where username='temp';

insert into user(username,password)



select * from user where userid ='admin'

update user set pwd = 'xyw97' where userid = 'admin'

delete user where userid = 'temp'

insert into user (userid,pwd) values ('newuserid','newpwd')





select 課程號,開課自系 from 課程 where 任課教師='***';

select 學號,姓名 from 學生 where 所在系= '計算機系' and 性別='女' and 年齡>20;

select 姓名 from 學生 where 性別='女' and not exists (

select 課程號 from  課程 where 任課教師='劉老師');

select course.課程號,course.開課系 from 課程 course,學習 sc,學生 student where student.

學號=sc.學號 and course.課程號=sc.

課程號 and student.姓名='王樂';

select 學號,姓名 from (select s.學號,s.姓名,count(r.

課程號) num from 學生 s,學習 r where s.學號=r.學號 group by s.

學號,s.姓名) where num>=3;


select 課程號,開課系 from 課程 where 任課老師='***';

select 學號,姓名 from 學生 where 年齡》20;

select 姓名

from 學生

where 性別='女回'

and not exists ( select '任課老師'

from  課程,學習

答where 學生.學號=學習.學號

and 課程.課程號=學習.課程號

and 任課老師='劉老師');

為了100分也不寫了,問題太多 樓主太懶


原式 a的 1 2 3 n 次方 b的 n n 1 2 1 次方 a的m次方 b的m次方 1.x 2 2x 4 x 2 2 x 2 0 x 2 x 2 2 0 x x 2 0 x 0,x 2 2.4 x 3 x x 3 0 x 3 4x 12 x 0 3 x 3 x 4 0 x 3,x 4 3.x ...


1000 100 1000 99 1000 98 1000 1 學過高等數學的人都知道,調和級數s 1 1 2 1 3 是發散的,證明如下 由於ln 1 1 n ln 1 1 ln 1 1 2 ln 1 1 3 ln 1 1 n ln2 ln 3 2 ln 4 3 ln n 1 n ln 2 3 2...


select distinct gname from groupinfo where gid in select gid from memberinfo where uid in select uid from friendinfo where uid in select uid from user...