My Diary用英語寫大概20 的日記

2022-03-31 02:01:25 字數 511 閱讀 9084


july 22nd friday sunny

two years ago, my father asked me if i wanted to be a doctor when i grew up. i said no at once because i didn』t like this job at all. but now, i change my mind.

a month ago i went to see the doctor. i found that many doctors weren』t careful enough to look over the patients. they liked to give the patients the most expensive medicine.

i was very angry. so i make up my mind to be a doctor in the future.


日上三竿 大夢初醒 千呼萬喚 姍姍來遲 喬裝打扮 衣冠楚楚 酒足飯飽 衣來伸手飯來張口 碌碌無為 無所事事 是否可以?50分還可以考慮,提不起興趣 利用10個成語寫一篇300字以上的文章 5 我來給你講一個 引人入勝 的成語故事,您一定要 興致勃勃 地聽完,然後 歎為觀止 從前有一隻 趾高氣揚 的兔...


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