
2022-03-30 19:47:52 字數 847 閱讀 9330


1.people living in the mountainous regions mostly lack water.

= most of the people living in the mountainous regions lack water.

2.can you get me some sweets from the shop?

= can you buy some sweets for me from the shop?

3.where does electricity come from?

= where is electricity from?

4.we cannot see air.

= air cannot be seen.

5.don't always trick that fool.

= don't always play tricks on that fool.


1 they region mostly lack water that people living in the mountainous.

2 would you please get me some sweets from the shop?

can you(would you please) get some sweets from the shop to me?

3 where is electricity from?

4we see no air.

5 don't always play tricks on that fool


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