
2022-03-31 13:04:31 字數 501 閱讀 3872


i think people alive, steadfast effort to live, live out their own value to death. no regret is ok.

i want to live meaningful alive valuable thirty years old enough, live no meaning no value to 100 years old and lived.

my ideal is seventy years of age. i think you can provide for oneself, do not drag family, friends, family, health, and the contribution to society, oneself also can feed myself more years to live, so she is ill, as the family died.


26.在太陽底下看書對眼睛有害。harm n.27.tom 和jerry總是相處不好,就像水火不相容。mix 28.因為比賽中兩名隊員受傷,我們的球隊被打敗了。beat 29.設計師發現袖子有點問題,決定去掉原來的花邊 laces remove 30.寫這個報告花了我好幾個小時,可是老闆還是不甚滿意...

中譯英這個句子,中譯英 這個句子

despite we spend time together is very short,儘管我們在一起相聚的時間很短 but we are extremely enhanced mutual understanding and friendship,但我們卻極大地增進了彼此間的瞭解和友誼 and ...

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