
2022-09-22 03:25:08 字數 905 閱讀 5464


we benefit as much as those we help/one good deed deserves another

the story tells us that we benefit from generosity.

you help people and they may help you in near future.

what goes around comes around, which means one good deed deserves another good deed.

if there're more people who are dedicated to help others, what a better world this would be.



after reading this story,i am moved by the ant and the dove . they helped each other when necessary.then ,in return, they were also helped by each other when themslves were in trouble.

just like the ant and the dove, there are many warm-hearted people in our life.they give others a hand at the final moment .they make our world better and better.

i hope there will be more and more peole like this!



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