he decided to relax himself的同義句

2022-03-20 03:05:48 字數 1075 閱讀 9513


he decided to relax himself 的同義句是he made a decision to relax himself.



例:she has a good time in wuhan.

轉換:she enjoys herself in wuhan.

例:he spends some money on books every week.

轉換:he pays some money to buy books every week.

2. 藉助於反義詞或反義片語進行轉換。如:

例:i can』t run as fast as my brother.

轉換:i run more slowly than my brother.

my brother runs faster than i.

例:he is not old enough to go to school.

轉換:he is too young to go to school.

3. 詞語的理解和運用


例:we often go to school on foot.

轉換:we often walk to school.


he made a decission to be relaxed.


he made a decision to relax himself.

he always had a cough ,so he decided to stop smoking.(改為同義句)


made a decision give up如不明白請追問,如果滿意請採納

手機提問者如果滿意,請在客戶端右上角評價點「滿意」即可, 謝謝!



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滿眼遍野,應該不恰當。滿目的意思是 充滿視野 強調的是眼睛所看到的,主觀感受。遍野,是講客觀存在的。盈目溢目 決心 的同義詞?決心 的同義詞是 刻意 信仰 銳意 信心 決斷 決意 頂多 定奪 決定 信念 決計。決心 的讀音 ju x n 意思 堅定不移的意志。反義詞 夷猶 猶疑 猶豫 躊躇。造句 1...


你好,謝謝你對我的信任,除了樓上的成語外,我補充一些,供參考 同義的 成語 俗語 1,品頭論足 說長道短 2,遠矚 很有遠見 3,天壤之別 差距很大 4,東山再起 重新打鼓另開張 5,忘恩負義 白眼狼 6,出口成章 能說會道 7,隨聲附和 人云亦云 8,鶴立雞群 羊群裡出駱駝 9,分道揚鑣 橋歸橋,...