
2022-07-04 18:50:04 字數 1182 閱讀 8737


i sometimes get up at 5.

they go to school at 7 in the morning.

i am reading english.

he is writing.

are you singing? yes, i am singing. no, i am not singing.

is he /she listening to the music?

what are you doing? i am doind homework.

look! jake is swimming.

listen! she is singing.


1, sometimes i get up at five o'clock.

2, they go to school at seven in the morning

3, i'm reading english.

4, he is writing.

5, you're singing it?/are you singing?--yes,i'm,--no i'm not.

6, is he (she) listening to music?

7.what are(were) you doing?--i'm(was) doing homework.

8.look! jack is swimming.

9.listen!she is singing.


1.sometimes i get up at 5 o'clock.

2.they go to school at 7 o'clock.

3.i'm reading english.

4.he is writing.

5.are you singing? yes,i'm singing. no,i'm not singing.

6.is he(she) listening to music?

7.what are you doing? i'm doing my homework.

8.look!jack is swimming.

9.listen!she is singing.


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