
2022-03-31 12:40:19 字數 576 閱讀 3566


i really feel sad and tired especially at night, and i feel depressed. everyday when i go to my workplace ,i can't totally fouced myself on my job. i am really sad and i feel worn out.

i don't konw what i am gonna say and how i am gonna face it


especially in the middle of the night when i really feel very sad, very tired, the mood is very low, return to the unit to go to work every day are not good, sad, and very tired, i really do not know the saying what is the point, do not know how to face


文字面 意味 剛把牙齒放在蘋果上,嘴裡就發出陣陣美妙心情愉悅的聲音,甜味擴散開來。意譯 一咬在蘋果上,伴隨著甜味瀰漫在嘴中,發出陣陣讓人心情愉悅的脆聲。樓主,你有幾個地方要注意,立 你少了個促音,另外 立 這是口語裡常用的,是 縮略成的。寫成書面體給人看最好用原體。這個詞,我們可以從句式結構上看他的...


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翻譯一句話,用英語 一句話英語翻譯

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