
2022-09-22 03:00:09 字數 490 閱讀 4960


creates one week-long advertisements propaganda in the revival gate business street, the primary cognizance and the vehicle owner communicate, let the customer filling in information documentary evidence, the expansion advertisements propaganda.


advertise in the fuxing gate shangye street for a week ,communicating with the vehicle owner , letting the customer write down their information, and expanding advertisements


the present situation and strategy for project and event management.the present state and countermeasures of engineering project management the presen...


蘇軾說 富民們如果都出了城,就會動搖民心,那我還和誰來守城呢?只要我在,水就絕不會衝了城。將富民們趕回城中。最好是把bai原文多發點過du 來,看文言文要聯絡上zhi下文的dao啊。要不語專境不知道,翻譯會有偏差的屬。我看這個大概的意思是 有錢的人走 因為什麼不知道,沒上下文 了,其他的也跟著走了,...

翻譯一句話,用英語 一句話英語翻譯

2008 was a special year,not only for me,also for our witnessed the death of mj and it experienced the austin stevens flying away.不過額覺得你這句話巨米有邏輯。一句話英語翻...