
2022-11-20 01:45:06 字數 454 閱讀 4866


thank you for your timely reply. i will contact ella and tell her about this issue after her vocation.

but we are afraid we are in trouble. we need to purchase ap10 and ap15 urgently in recent. can you inform me the price and arrange a person replacing ella to operate this issue?


yes, i confirm we will order 200kg next time and pls prepare for us in advance.



thanks for your instant reply remember us to celine we all hope her get recovering soon looking forward to your new imformation.thanks for your instan...

英語翻譯 請不要用翻譯軟體來敷衍!謝謝

僱主和製造商協會委員會解僱了已陷入四面楚歌的該組織的執行長alasdair thompson。the board of the employers and manufacturers association has fired the organisation s embattled chief e...

求英語翻譯(不要用翻譯器來翻譯,急求英語翻譯!!! 面試時用。 不要用翻譯器。謝謝!

你總是同意你的老師嗎?有時候你有一個不同的答案,一個數學問題。或者也許他們罵 訓斥 你當你不認為你做錯了什麼事 你是做什麼工作的呢?一個故事說,越來越多的學生說話,甚至與老師爭吵。它是好的對於學生表達自己的看法。在過去,一些中國學生敢說回到他們的老師。這是一個規則,老師說永遠是對的。但是現在的學生也...