
2022-06-25 20:10:08 字數 1076 閱讀 1009


1全部could you please tell me sth about mj in the us?can we keep talking about mj?are you fan of mj?


can you please tell me some information about mj in the us?

can we continue talking about mj?

are you his fan?



"can you tell me the united states over the situation on the mj? we can continue to chat on the topic mj? mj fans you try it?

"thank you


can you tell me something about mj in usa? may we keep on talking about mj? are you his fans?


could you please tell me how about mj in america?can we continue talk about mj?are you a fans of mj's?


can you tell me the situation about mj in america?may i go on talk with you about mj? are you one of the fans of mj?


can you tell me the u.s. side on the mj situation?

we can continue to chat on the topic mj? mj you are a fan of it? "


二人 戀 知 後 學校側 先生 仕事 先生 教壇 辭職 話 言 皆 前 言 事件 発見 學校 教師 辭職 必要 単語 意味 辭任 話 教師 教師 生徒 言葉 言 前 表彰臺 二人 交際 後 學校 先生 辭 本來 退職挨拶 時 先生 講壇 上 全校先生 學生 前 話 話 二人 戀 現 先生 方 辭 學...


我會給你時間。我希望你能快點解決你和他的問題。你是一個優柔寡斷的人。你是一團小火苗,而我是一片大森林,你闖了近來。你把我整個燃燒起來,我們變成了永遠燒不完的火焰。如果有一天燒完了,那是我死了。我相信你,也請你給你自己和我一點點信心,哪怕是一點點。好嗎?i will give you time.i h...


尊敬的樓主 您好!很高興為您服務!祝您愉快!如果我的答案令您滿意!日後可以求助我,我會盡全力幫助您!文化差異 翻譯成英文 cultural difference 飲食diet 語言與文化的差異 differences oflanguage andculture social responsibili...